3 research outputs found

    Applications of MATLAB in Natural Sciences: A Comprehensive Review

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    In the natural sciences, MATLAB is a versatile and essential tool that has revolutionized research across various disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and environmental sciences. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of MATLAB's applications in data analysis, modeling, simulation, image processing, computational chemistry, environmental sciences, physics, engineering, and data visualization. MATLAB simplifies data analysis by handling complex datasets, performing statistical analyses, and aiding in tasks like curve fitting and spectral analysis. In modeling and simulation, it enables the creation of predictive models for intricate systems, facilitating simulations of physical processes, ecological dynamics, and chemical reactions. In image processing, MATLAB enhances and analyzes images, benefiting fields such as medical imaging and remote sensing. For computational chemistry, MATLAB offers a rich library of tools for exploring molecular structures and simulating chemical reactions. Environmental sciences rely on MATLAB for climate data analysis and ecological modeling. In physics and engineering, it is invaluable for simulating complex systems and analyzing experimental data. Additionally, MATLAB's data visualization capabilities allow scientists to create compelling visuals for effective communication. While challenges like licensing costs exist, efforts are underway to address these issues and enhance integration with other software, including artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. Overall, MATLAB's computational power and versatility are fundamental to advancing natural sciences research, making it an invaluable resource for scientists and researchers across various disciplines

    Existence of common fuzzy fixed points via fuzzy F-contractions in b-metric spaces

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    Abstract The main goal of this study is to establish common fuzzy fixed points in the context of complete b-metric spaces for a pair of fuzzy mappings that satisfy F-contractions. To strengthen the validity of the derived results, non-trivial examples are provided to substantiate the conclusions. Moreover, prior discoveries have been drawn as logical extensions from pertinent literature. Our findings are further reinforced and integrated by the numerous implications that this technique has in the literature. Using fixed point techniques to approximate the solutions of differential and integral equations is very useful. Specifically, in order to enhance the validity of our findings, the existence result of the system of non-linear Fredholm integral equations of second-kind is incorporated as an application

    Activation energy analysis of mobile microorganisms using conductive nanofluid flows: Mitigating toxic algal blooms in biotechnology applications

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    Motile microorganisms play a central role in ecosystems in both natural habitats and laboratory settings. Their contribution to nutrient cycling is crucial and their impact on human health can be significant. Furthermore, they are promising in various biotechnological applications. Ongoing studies of microbial motility represent a dynamic and evolving field of research with profound implications for our understanding of biology, ecology, and environmental science. The thermal properties of the base material are extremely advanced and enable a wide range of industrial, technical and process applications due to their thermal radiation, variable heat transfer properties and activation energy. Researchers are still working hard to find renewable energy sources that are both economical and environmentally friendly. In this regard, the past decade has seen growing interest in the potential of nanoparticles as renewable energy sources. The current study aimed to learn more about the rheological properties of thixotropic nanofluids on the surface of Riga surrounded by rotating bacteria. For this, theoretical investigations have been performed on 3D magneto-hydrodynamic micropolar-based Casson nanofluid on the surface of Riga surrounded by rotating bacteria. The influence of thermal radiation, activation energy and heat generation are considered in the present scenario. The rheology of Brownian motion, micro rotation and thermophoresis also accounted for. Classical equations of motion in the form of PDEs are transformed into ODEs by applying similarity variables. The converted ODEs are then solved with the help of a shooting algorithm using Bvp4c MATLAB software. From an engineering point of view, the impression of physical flow parameters dimensionless profiles is demonstrated graphically and in the form of tables. The outcomes show that enhancing the porosity parameter significantly reduces the velocity profiles while the opposite behaviour is noted for the viscoelastic parameter. Moreover, temperature and concentration fields are boosted by thermophoresis and concentration exponents. Present results are validated with the existing ones. The current study has the potential to improve the stability achieved by the bioconvection of nanomaterials